Tuesday, July 30, 2013

My Own American Experience

My Own American Experience

Hi mi name is Kevin Rolando Vilcapaza Diaz, and I from Peru a beautiful place in South America, so I come to the United States for a program of English, and I have a wonderful experience because I am making new friends that are from different countries, and we had a lot of good moments and one of these is the trip to Atlanta.

Atlanta trip amazing place and a wonderful experience

This 26 July, 2013 we had a trip to Atlanta a beautiful place that is in Georgia, I remembered that was a Friday, when we take the bus to go to Atlanta so at 2:00 pm started our beautiful trip, well if you check the map you are going to see that Atlanta is next to Alabama, so we cross Alabama first to be in Atlanta, and in all the trips we can’t go if we don’t prove a typical dish of a place we visited; so until that moment we didn’t have proven a real American breakfast, so we go to a restaurant, when you can order all the day the traditional breakfast, so we really like to prove new thing and we order the famous waffles with a sweet salsa and the flavor was amazing, and a good American know that with waffles is good some bacon and scrambled eggs; also not only sounds delicious also taste wonderful; after that we take again the bus to continue our trip to Atlanta, so we take like 2 hours to be in Atlanta; we were there at 9:00 pm so all the people were tired and with a huge sleepiness; but we went out that night it was fun because we went to a bar, but I am not yet an adult so I only order a mango juice, it was funny, that was my first night in Atlanta; the next day we had a breakfast in the hotel, and after that we went to the coca cola world; so I can’t believe when they told me that we are going to prove like 60 different kinds of coke but when we were inside of the coca cola world, I saw that but not all the coca cola around the world are good, and I also remember that the worst coke was the Italian; so if you are going to be in Italy don’t ask for coke; but all the tour was good, I enjoy to see a movie in 4D it was very weird but I enjoy; also we check a lot of important moments in the history of coca cola so it was fun; after that we went to the CNN to have lunch ;then I was shocking because CNN doesn’t look so huge like is inside ;but it was really nice to know how the people in CNN how they make the news that we see every day, and we also feel as a reporter handing the news when we had sit; so I was very excited; also we take some pictures in the park front of CNN this park has a show with water and also roulette and everyone want to go but for the next chance but; I really enjoy to share this time with my friends and that’s not all because after that we go to buy some clothes in a nice place with a lot of clothes stores, and I bought some sneakers and some t-shirts was a  good day so it was a wonderful experience and to finish; I think that you can enjoy wherever you go if you enjoy the small things that make your trip unique.

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